Deeply embedded in the history, the CCITunis is the oldest consular institution in Tunisia, dates of its creation since June 23, 1885, by the General Resident Paul Combon, it was the only constituted body having the capacity to represent commercial, agricultural and industrial interests of the French colony throughout the country.
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The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis is an organization of support and assistance to tunisian companies of Grand Tunis (Tunis, Ariana, Ben Arous and Manouba)
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With a quality management system according to ISO 9001 version 2008 since 16 April 2010, CCITUNIS strives to improve the internal organization of work, to promote coherence and mutual knowledge and to strengthen its Positioning and its influence with its external environment both nationally and internationally.
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- Assistance to businesses
- Promotion
- Information
- Training
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The main mission of the CCITunis is to assist companies in their international trade operations and contribute to the development of partnership opportunities in the sectors of Industry, Commerce, Handicrafts, Small Crafts and Services In particular through:
- Issuance of certificates of origin.
- The organization of thematic seminars.
- Organization of business missions.
- Training and retraining.
- Providing information or documentation.
- Information on fairs and exhibitions.
- Sale of foreign trade documents.
- The conclusion of cooperation and commercial partnership agreements with Chambers of Commerce and Industry around the world.
The CCITunis holds the exclusive right to issue ATA carnets and TIR Carnets for Tunisia.
II - Promotion
Promoting economic activity and sensitizing stakeholders on topical economic themes by:
- Organizing and participating in national and international fairs and exhibitions
- Organization of National Awareness Seminars
- Organization of Missions of businessmen abroad
- Reception of Foreign Business Delegations
- The reception of delegations of foreign businessmen
III - Information
The CCITunis provides economic information and disseminates it both nationally and internationally via the CCITunis communication media, its website , its facebook page (Chambre Commerce and Industry of Tunis) and its monthly newsletter « l'Echo de la CCIT » and via the mailing action.
IV - Training
« L'EPC » Ecole Pratique de Commerce créée en Octobre 1992, dispose une formation qui répond aux exigences du marché du travail et des entreprises qui est sanctionnée par un diplà´me qui est homologué et reconnu par les entreprises.
L'EPC se dote de deux types de formations :
- La Formation initiale diplà´mante dispensée en cours du jour et destinée à des jeunes du niveau 7ème année ( ancien régime) qui correspond au niveau 4ème année ( nouveau régime ) , Bac et Bac+
- La Formation continue dispensée en cours du soir est destinée, en priorité, aux entreprises
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The CCITunis has always been active in developing business-to-business (B2B) relations between the various economic actors at national and / or international level, following the example of the last B2B meetings organized within the framework of the activity of the 39th General Assembly Of the CPCCAF held from 31 October to 2 November 2013 in Tunis.
Similar events organized by the CCTunis contribute to the dynamization of the economic activity of the country.
The CCITunis also created two major economic events; The "Tunis-Medfranchise" trade show and the "Tunis-Medindustrie" trade show, the first participated in the integration of the Franchise concept and its development in Tunisia and the second presents a focal point of meeting between the contractors and Professionals in the industry.
The CCITunis is an active member of two international ICC networks, namely; The ASCAME (Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Mediterranean) and the CPCCAF, it also contributes to the updating and strengthening of cooperation and partnership relations with foreign KICs (Arab, African, Mediterranean, Asian) And European).